Donner and Prancer Page 4
Brock’s toothy grin gave Noah pause.
“Nothin’, man. I’ve just never seen you like this.”
“Imagine how I feel. I’ve never been like this.”
“Well, don’t look now, but your eye-opener just walked through the door.”
Noah’s attention snapped to the bar entrance. Blonde tresses billowed over the shoulders of a red leather jacket covering a shimmering black and silver button-up blouse. Noah’s gaze drifted lower, skimming over the sexiest pair of black leather pants and high-heeled, knee-high boots he’d ever seen. “Fuck me.” Mira was breathtaking and sexy as hell. Best of all, her big, bulky purse was nowhere to be seen.
“Son-of-a-bitch. I think she’s actually glowing.”
Brock’s voice was little more than an echo in the back of Noah’s mind as he stood and waved her over to their table. He’d barely noticed his cousin Sandra enter the door behind her.
Sandra reached him first and gave him a big hug. “Just so you know, if you hurt her, I’ll chop off your antlers and your balls.” Her whispered threat tickled his ear, camouflaging the malicious intent behind it.
“Always a pleasure, dear cousin.” He smiled as he made his way to Mira. “I was afraid you’d changed your mind.”
Mira’s cheeks flushed pink. “I told you I would try.”
Noah kissed her cheek. “Thank you for that.” He pulled chairs out for both Mira and Sandra. “Brock, you know my cousin Sandra, right?”
Brock licked his lips and cocked his head to the side. “I do believe I’ve had the pleasure.”
Noah’s attention returned to Mira. “You look stunning tonight. I’m rarely a fan of animal hide, but you certainly wear leather well.”
Mira giggled. “This isn’t real leather.”
“Well, if it was, I’m sure the bull would have gladly sacrificed himself for the chance to be wrapped around those sexy thighs.”
Mira’s eyes widened and her cheeks reddened even more than they had been.
“What? Am I embarrassing you?” He reached under the table and squeezed her knee.
Sandra cleared her throat. “So, who’s buying the drinks?”
“Everything’s on me.” Noah winked at his cousin.
“Music to my ears.” Sandra raised her hand and motioned for the waitress.
Noah swallowed hard when he saw who headed toward the table to take their order. He’d never felt this level of shame for his sexual escapades until now.
Melanie Clark had been his most recent one-night stand, and there she was, heading straight for them. Shit.
Noah bristled when she approached. She slipped her arm around his shoulder and twirled a lock of his hair around her finger. “Hey, baby. What can I get you and your friends tonight?” She cast a quick glance around the table.
Noah ducked out from under Melanie’s embrace and draped his arm across the back of Mira’s chair.
Melanie’s brows arched high and she shot Noah a not-so-amused glare.
“I’d like a beer.” He looked to Mira. “What would you like?”
Mira’s eyes narrowed as her gaze darted back and forth between Noah and Melanie. “I’ll have a ginger-ale.”
“No, she won’t.” Sandra wagged her index finger. “She’ll have a mojito and I’ll have a hair of the dog that bit my ass last night. Bring me a frozen mango margarita with a double shot of tequila.”
“Sandra, I—”
“Mira, have some fun.” Sandra winked at Mira as Melanie took the rest of their order. “Besides, I’m sure Noah will drive you home if you need him to.”
Noah smiled at Mira, doing his best not to pay attention to Melanie’s sarcastic tone as she took Brock’s order. He squeezed Mira’s hand. “It would be my pleasure.”
A sense of uneasiness crept up Noah’s spine as his cousin glowered at Melanie like a pit bull salivating over a T-bone steak.
“See?” Sandra sighed. “Do I know my cousin or do I know my cousin?”
Noah’s jaw ticked as his discomfort grew. This could get ugly.
Mira’s attention drifted toward Melanie as well. She leaned into Noah and whispered, “Do you need to deal with that?”
“What?” How long could he avoid the obvious tension around the table?
“I saw the look she gave you. Looks like you may have a fire to put out.”
Noah took a deep breath. What could he do? Melanie and all the others were nothing more than water under the bridge now. “Let it burn. Like I told you last night, I’m only interested in one woman. You.”
Mira smiled and her cheeks maintained the pink tint he found so appealing.
“You know …” Brock shifted toward Sandra, “I never realized this before, but you have amazing cheekbones.”
“Cheekbones?” Sandra smiled at Brock. “Is that the best you got?” Her lashes fluttered.
Brock chuckled. “Is that a challenge?”
“That depends.” Sandra waggled her brows. “Are you up for one?”
Noah shook his head, trying to ignore the flirtatious banter escalating across the table. “Now that’s a dangerous combination I never imagined possible.”
Mira giggled. “Sandra does have a way with men.”
“It’s the Donner family curse.”
“We come from a long line of philandering ancestors. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard for us to commit.”
Mira moved away. “I see.”
Noah’s stomach swished. “But curses can be broken with the right pairing.”
“Is that so?”
“I believe so.” Noah took her hand in his, kissed it, and pulled her to him. “All I need is the perfect woman and my destiny will change.”
The noise in the room faded into the background as the scent of honeysuckle and lemon invaded his senses. He savored the way she smelled.
Mira looked up at him with her beautifully mix-matched tinted eyes, accelerating his heartbeat and his need to feel her in his arms. He bent down and brushed his mouth across hers.
Mira sighed into his parted lips, sending chills skittering down his back.
His tongue plunged deep and tangled with hers, reminding him of how their bodies had fused together so naturally when they’d made love. He wanted her even more tonight. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Now? We just got here.”
“I know, but I want you all to myself.”
Mira squeezed his knee and ran her hand up his thigh. “You’re so bad.”
“You have no idea.” He chuckled deviously.
“You lying son-of-a-bitch!”
The angry words echoed in his mind and Noah gasped. His body shot up in shock as ice cold wetness splashed in his face.
“What the fuck?” The scent of tequila permeated through his nostrils as he wiped away what had to have been Sandra’s margarita from his face.
Melanie stood on the other side of Mira who also wiped frozen slush from her jacket and soaked black-and-silver top.
The room fell silent as Noah reached for napkins to clean the soggy mess from Mira’s clothes. “What is wrong with you?”
“Wrong with me?” Melanie stamped her foot. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Mira, are you okay?” He dabbed her hair with a napkin. She was his only concern.
“Stop.” Mira pushed his hand away. “Just stop.”
“I’m sorry she did this.”
“You’re apologizing for me? You’ve fucked every woman in this place then have the nerve to flaunt it in front of me like it’s no big deal and you apologize to her?”
Mira slipped off the barstool. “Sandra, please take me home.”
“Please don’t go.” Noah reached for her arm, but she pulled away.
Mira glared up at him with tears pooling in her eyes. “Like I said, you need to deal with that.” She cut her eyes in Melanie’s direction.
“That?” Melanie squared her shoulders and clenched her fist. “Bitch, you better
watch what you say.”
“Stop it, Melanie.” Noah lifted his hand to wave her away. “You’re out of line.”
“Out of line?” Melanie looked around the room. “I wonder how many women in this room wished they had just done the same thing.”
Noah scanned the crowd as his stomach lurched.
Countless faces stood out accompanied by flashes of memories of easy hook-ups, backseat humping, and bathroom quickies. So many women, but so few actual meaningful moments.
“Mira, I …” What could he say?
Melanie was right.
The throng of people in the room slowly returned their attention back to their own tables as Noah stood there, soaking wet and unable to defend his previous actions.
“Sandra?” Mira clutched at her jacket, drawing it closed across her chest. “Can we go now?”
Melanie stepped back, her expression fixed in a hardened scowl as she watched Mira and Sandra walk away. “You seriously prefer someone like her over me?” She laughed.
“Enough!” Noah barked. “You’ve made your point.”
“I think you’ve lost it. Why would you make a bet with your friends over nailing her?”
Noah’s heart seized as Mira and Sandra both stopped dead in their tracks.
Mira spun around. Her eyes darkened with an air of disbelief. “Bet?”
Shit. Bile burned the back of his throat. He glared over at Brock who cowered behind a plastic menu with guilt flashing above his head like a neon sign.
Noah rushed toward Mira. “It’s not what you think.”
“It really isn’t how it sounds.” Brock suddenly appeared at his side.
“You had a bet about getting me into bed?” Mira’s voice cracked.
“Noah?” Sandra’s brow pinched taut. “Seriously?” She looked over at Brock. “You too?”
Brock stepped forward. “Yes—I mean no.” Brock reached for Sandra’s arm, but she jerked back.
“And to think we were getting along so nicely.” Sandra put her arm around Mira, who stood there as though she had become a statue. “Let’s go, honey.”
Noah glared at Melanie. “Why would you do something like that?”
“Just tired of men like you getting away with being dogs.” She lifted her chin, turned on her heel, and charged for the kitchen door.
“Mira. Wait.” Noah hurried toward the door just as Mira and Sandra exited the building. “Please let me explain.”
Mira walked a few more steps then turned and faced Noah. “How could you?”
“I wasn’t even part of the bet. Brock and Peter bet on whether or not I’d have the nerve to approach you.”
“Sounds like you were a big part to me.”
“They were encouraging me to follow my heart.”
“Your heart or your cock?” Mira folded her arms across her chest. “So how much did you win?”
“Nothing.” Noah stared at the ground as snowflakes flurried around them. “I was afraid you would shoot me down and never give me a chance.”
“I should have followed my gut and walked away. I guess I learned my lesson the hard way.”
Noah reached for her hand. “Please?”
Mira recoiled. “It’s a little late for excuses, Noah. I’ve been humiliated enough tonight.” She turned and hurried down the sidewalk alone.
“Noah, it’s not a good idea to push her. Once she sets her mind to something, she rarely budges.”
Noah glanced back at his cousin. “Sandra, I’m not lying. I have serious feelings for her.”
“Not tonight, cuz.” Sandra gave him a quick hug.
Noah gripped Sandra’s shoulders. “You many not believe me, but I’m telling you, I’m not playing a game here. I sincerely care about her.”
Sandra shook her head. “I’ve never heard you talk like this before.”
“Because I’ve never felt like this before.”
She caressed his upper arm. “Give her some time. I’ll talk to her.”
“You have to make her see how much she means to me.”
Sandra’s brows jutted upward. “That’s your job, Noah. Not mine.”
Snow continued to fall and Noah stood there, helpless, as taillights disappeared into the night.
Chapter Seven
“It’s been three weeks. Don’t you think you should at least answer his calls?”
Mira stared out the passenger side window of Sandra’s car. “I just want to get Christmas over and done with.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to talk to him eventually. I mean, shit, you’re gonna be harnessed right in front of him.”
“No. I’ve already requested a change. In fact, I may just sit this one out altogether.”
“You’ve never done that. Why start now?”
Mira took in a deep breath, fighting back the urge to cry. She’d done enough of that lately. “I’m just thinking out loud. I’ll make the trip. It’s too important not to.”
“Mira, for what it’s worth, I really believe he wasn’t in on the bet.”
Anger surged up from Mira’s gut and she was sure she would explode. She chewed her bottom lip and clenched her fists tight, struggling to keep it from boiling over. Stay focused. Stick to your guns, Mira. “Sandra, I’m done with Donner and all of his little reindeer games.”
Sandra’s eyes widened and she pressed her lips together firmly, but seconds later she burst out laughing. “How long have you been practicing that one?”
Mira’s eyes burned as she blinked back tears, trying not to giggle. “Don’t make me laugh. None of this is funny. I trusted him.”
Sandra pulled the car to the curve as they arrived at the private airstrip available only to North Pole associates. “Look, all I’m saying is that you knew who he was or at least who you thought he was before you two did the deed. How can you be so sure he hasn’t changed like he says he has?” Sandra faced Mira and put her hand on her shoulder. “I’ve never seen him like this before. He’s miserable. Maybe even more miserable than you, and you’re the only one who can end all that misery for all of us.”
Mira studied her best friend’s eyes. Sandra had never been a pushover and even though Noah was her cousin, she wouldn’t defend him if he were still the same old Donner. Maybe he had changed.
Mira’s empty stomach rumbled. She’d been so upset, even eating and sleeping had been a struggle over the last couple of days. The thought of working alongside Noah after what had happened had her insides downright twisted.
Heat flushed her cheeks and sifted down her chest, finally warming the empty chamber of her stomach. Perspiration beaded her forehead and she closed her eyes to fight back the nausea. “I don’t think I can go.”
“You really don’t have a choice.”
Sandra was right. If she didn’t shift soon and get back into her normal routine, she’d probably lose what was left of her rapidly diminishing mind.
Mira scanned the nearly empty sidewalk at the private airstrip. She inhaled deeply one more time. “Okay, okay.” She grabbed the door handle. “If I have time, I’ll hear him out, but I’m not making any promises.”
Sandra’s giddy grin spoke volumes. “That’s all I’m asking. Just listen.”
Mira reached over and squeezed Sandra’s hand. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas to you, Mira. I love ya’, girl.” Sandra leaned in and gave Mira a big hug. “Have a safe flight.”
Mira stood in the bathroom of the main staging area located near the North Pole town square. Her stomach hadn’t settled much and knowing Noah and the rest of the team were right outside warming up for the first practice flight of the season had her insides knotted as though she’d swallowed a bag of Christmas bows. She was so hungry she probably would have eaten a bag of bows, given the chance.
“Get a grip.” She splashed water on her face and glared at her reflection in the mirror. Pasty skin and deep circles under her eyes made her look more like a zombie than a shifter. The walking dead would
have been a more accurate description for the way she felt, that was for sure.
A subtle knock sounded at the door and Mira quickly dried her hands and opened the door. Her heart pounded as Noah Donner pushed his way into the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” Frustrated, she tried to go around him.
“Please, Mira.” His pleading tone raked across her already fragile nerves. “I have to talk to you.”
“Can’t this wait?”
“I really can’t do this right now, Noah. We can talk after practice.” She maneuvered around him and headed for the door. Her head pounded and the longer she stayed in the bathroom with Noah the worse she would feel. She yanked the door open and charged out into the staging area.
“Mira Prancer, I love you!”
Mira froze as Noah’s declaration reverberated throughout the room as though he’d shouted through a megaphone.
Tingles rippled down her spine as dozens of curious onlookers stared in their direction.
A warm hand grasped her shoulder, followed by heated breath on her neck. “I’m in love with you.”
Mira slowly turned and met Noah’s tearful gaze. “What?”
“It’s you, Mira. It’s always been you.”
“What’s always been me?”
“You’re the one I’m meant to be with and you’re meant to be with me. I don’t know if it’s fate or destiny or even magic. All I know is that I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and I can’t get your face, your scent, or anything about you out of my mind. You’re embedded in me and I don’t want to spend another second away from you.”
Mira’s eyes blurred and her stomach sloshed as she peered into those sexy bedroom eyes. “Noah …” A ball of bitter acid surged up into her throat and she quickly covered her mouth, shoved past him, and charged back into the bathroom just as her body revolted against her.
Her eyes bulged as she dry heaved into the toilet. She struggled to breathe and calm herself from the violent eruption that produced little more than some apple juice she’d had on the flight. “Shit.”
Mira hadn’t even noticed Noah standing behind her with her hair tangled in one hand as he rubbed her back with the other. “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” Her cheeks flared with another wave of heat, but this time from the embarrassment of throwing up in front of him instead of the embarrassment of his public announcement.